» » » » Contoh Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

Hello semua, kali ini kita akan belajar mengenai "Expressing Possibility and Impossibility". Karna topik ini sangat penting maka dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan kupas semua tentang Expressing Possibility and Impossibility, langsung simak penjelasannya dan contoh Expressing Possibility and Impossibility berikut ini.


Pengertian Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

Expressing possibility bisa dikatakan sebagai bagaimana cara kita mengungkapkan kemungkinan. Jelas hal tersebut untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan (POSSIBILITY). Dalam mengungkapkan kemungkinan ini ada beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan:

a. There is a good chance of + (kt. Kerja bentuk –ing) …..
  • There is a good chance of catching the train of you take a taxi to the station (Ada kemungkinan dapat menumpang kereta jika menggunakan taksi ke statsion) 
  • There is a good chance of having dinner with you tonight. 
b. There is good chance that ……
Example: There is a good chance that Budi will pass in the UAN.
(Ada kemungkinan Budi akan lulus Ujian Negara)

c. It is very possible that ……
d. There is possible …….

Apabila menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah percakapan atau wacana, maka ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan tetang suatu hal yang mungkin.

Sedangkan expressing impossibility kita gunakan untuk mengungkapkan ketidakmungkinan (IMPOSSIBILITY) ada beberapa ungkapan yang bias digunakan, antara lain:

a. There is not chance of + (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..
Example: - There is no chance of going abroad
                - (Tidak mungkin pergi ke luar negeri)
b. There is a very little chance of (kata kerja bentuk –ing) ….. 
c. There is less chance of (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..
d. There is impossible that ……..
e. It is very doubtful ……..
f. It is impossible ……..

Apabila menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah percakapan atau wacana, maka ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan tetang suatu hal yang tidak mungkin.


·         It’s possible/probable …
·         It’s likely …
·         I expect …
·         It may be …
·         It could/might/may be …
·         It is/looks/seems possible.

·         Could be …
·         If you ask me, …
·         It looks as if …
·         You can be sure …
·         There’s a good chance
·         I reckon …
·         I bet …
·         I think there’s possibility …
·         I believe …
·         There’s always possibility of …
·         It’s more than likely …
·         ΓΌ      It’s reasonable to believe …
·         I don’t think …
·         It’s not likely …
·         I don’t expect …
·         It’s not probable …
·         It’s unlikely…
·         It’s impossible …
·        Probably not.
·        Impossible.
·        Perhaps not.
·        May be not.
·        No way.
·        Surely not.
·        Not a chance.
·         It’s very doubtful…
·         It’s extremely unlikely/improbable …
·         I think there’s absolutely no possibility of …
·         I think there’s very little chance of ..

Contoh Dialogue Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

Lihat Kumpulan

Dialogue 1
Andi : Where is Reza, Bud?
Budi : He went to the zoo an hour ago
Andi : Oh, I was too late to see him.
Budi : There is a good chance of catching)* him if you take a taxi.
Andi : Do you know his phone number? May be I can contact him first.
Budi : I think there’s little chance of contacting)** him by phone.
Andi : OK, I’ll try to catch him by taxi.
)* Ungkapan possibility, )** Ungkapan ketidak mungkinan
Dialogue 2
Sarah : I’m curious why many people are unemployed. I think it’s a real problem.
Siti : Well, I once heard that they are unskilled.
Sarah : Is it so?
Siti : I’m not sure about it. All I know is that unskilled persons are usually lazy.
Sarah : Is it possible for the unskilled people to get a job ?
Siti : I think so . if they are lucky there might be employers who recruit them.
Sarah : But I think it will be hard for such people to get a good job with a good salary.
Siti : Well, there is always a possibility for them to get a job, especially when tjhey are
willing to learn.
Sarah : Yes, I agree with you .

Sekian pembahasan mengenai topik ini, silahkan lihat pembahasan serupa yang lebih lengkap di Some Expressions In English.

Interlanguage: English For Senior High School Students XII

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