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Text Report Bahasa Inggris - Kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah contoh teks report tentang permainan football. Jika sobat ingin melihat dan mempelajari contoh teks report ini silahkan ikuti pembahasan mengenai contoh text report kali ini.

Football Play
Football is a game played by two teams of eleven. They try to score bykicking or heading the ball into the other team’s goal. Ten of the players can not use their hands. The goal keeper can handle the ball to stop it going into the goal.

Games similar to football have been played for many centuries. Therules of the games were written down in 1863. In England, the FA (Football Association ) cup was first played for in 1872. In the same year, England played Scotland in the first game. 

Today the most important International Competition is the World Cup which takes place in every four years. Brazil and Italy have each won the world cup three times.

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