» » Contoh Teks Descriptive Hewan "Lions"

Contoh Teks Descriptive Hewan - Berikut ini adalah contoh Teks Descriptive dengan judul "Lions". Silahkan pelajari selengkapnya di Contoh Teks Descriptive "Lions" berikut ini.

Contoh Teks Descriptive "Lions"
I am sure you already know well about this animals. Lions may be the most famous animal that the people know from their reputation as the king of jungle.

Lions are carnivorous mammals that come from the family Felidae. They are geographically distributed in mostly sub-Saharan east and southern Africa but can also be found in zoos internationally, India and some parts of Asia . The population of these vulnerable animals has dramatically decreased in the past few decades with no solid reason as to why. It is thought that clashes with humans and habitat loss may be a possibility, but to help further preserve and monitor these creatures, they are usually kept within reserves and parks. Only eight sub species are recognized today and there is a small range of hybrids with lions mating with tigers, jaguars or leopards to create unique creatures. This is discouraged and only initiated at zoos.

These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds, depending on sex and age and can grow up to be 14 years old in the wild and over the age of 20 years old in captivity. They become capable at hunting at the age of two and are fully grown after 5 or 6 years. Male lions are distinguishable for their impressive manes, which signifies their masculinity and reflects their health. The darker and thicker the mane, the healthier the lion. It allows the lions to appear stronger and frightening to warn off enemies, particularly humans, and appeals to lionesses that are scientifically proven to mate more with lions with thick and dark manes. Lions with no manes are either genetically inbred or have been castrated.

Lions have a devised a system of living in groups called prides that's based around related females. The majority of the pride, consisting of approximately 15 individuals and can sometimes even reach 40 individuals, is female with only a handful of male. Male cubs eventually leave and typically become nomads before taking over their own group as the territorial male and father of all cubs. 

They only leave the pride when challenged by other males and are forced to leave or are killed. Nomads usually travel lone or in pairs, most of the time being related males. If a female nomad attempts to join a pride, it is usually very difficult as the other lionesses reject their intruder who is not related to them. Sumber: http://www.belajarbahasainggris.us/2012/03/5-contoh-teks-descriptive-binatang.html

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